Using your Credit Card Safely


 Using your Credit Card Safely


A credit card is an important card for every person through which he uses funds in his bank for the purchase of goods and services so every individual need that he can protect his card from theft and fraud. Nowadays because of the spread of Covid-19 mostly of purchases of the customers have gone online and the threat of fraud is this is from spreads the most because most people don’t know which site is to be trusted and be shared such confidential data, so here are some ways through which we can use our credit card safely while avoiding any threat of fraud.

· We should always purchase products from a trusted site and avoid any sites that are not trusted for making purchases because this is where your credit card data can go into the wrong hands.

· You should always check the customer response on the site that you are unfamiliar with and going to make online purchases on it while using your credit card

· You should only enter your credit card data to secure the site while you're going to make purchases by never enter your credit card data on an insecure site.

· You should always carry your credit card with you and change your pin whenever you are using it.

· Check your credit card statements monthly and always check your payment alerts.

· Always set a password or pin of your card stronger one that is different for other accounts.



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